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Goin’ on a Bear Hunt!

Goin’ on a Bear Hunt!

Deercreek Residents – Join the fun! #randomactsofcommunity Join the fun! If you’d like to participate, simply place a stuffed bear in a window of your home so when families go for car rides or walks during this quarantine, they can hut for bears! Communities...


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April Quarterly Assessment Due

Don’t be late! Homeowner Quarterly Assessments are due April 1. Late payments are subject to a $30 late fee plus interest if not received by April 30. You can pay by check or electronic payment from your bank or ACH direct debit payments. Checks should be made out to...
Shamrock Scramble Fun

Shamrock Scramble Fun

Thank you to all who took part in the DWA Shamrock Scramble. It was a wonderful day with the weather co-operating as well, and great to get out & socialize before the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus. At the time of writing, we do not have the details...
Annual PACE Luncheon

Annual PACE Luncheon

At the beginning of March, a few of the Deercreek ladies attended the annual luncheon held by PACE, which is currently celebrating its 35th year. There were over 430 attendees and in addition, 20 alumni walked the stage and talked about what they were doing now which...

February 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Highlights

The Board of Directors of the Deercreek Country Club Owners Association held its regularly scheduled meeting February 27th at 6:00 PM. Board Members attending were: Christine Bell, Heather Cole, Steve Milkey, Carol D’Onofrio, Fiaz Sindhu, Justin Bateh and Gene Curtin....