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Literacy Pros of Jacksonville

Literacy Pros of Jacksonville

Deercreek Women’s Alliance Selects Literacy Pros of Jacksonville Again & Helps Meet Covid-19 Literacy Challenges In 2018, Literacy Pros of Jacksonville launched #Blue4Books, a collaborative reading initiative created to bring public safety officers and youth...
Jan Malick; 2020 Golden Acorn Winner

Jan Malick; 2020 Golden Acorn Winner

Bolstered by her faith, her family and the stirring needs of her community, Janice Malick has taken to heart the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “For it is in giving that we receive.” Jan, a Deercreek Country Club resident since 2001, exemplifies a passion for giving...
New Benches

New Benches

The Deercreek Home and Garden Club has been working on a “Bench Project” during the 2019-2020 year. It all started when Catherine Wood noticed chips and cracks on several concrete benches around the neighborhood. With the help of Danny Connors and his crew the old...

From the Access Control Committee

In some form or fashion, school will most likely be starting in August. That will mean the presence of school buses both in the mornings and afternoons. Residents are reminded to drive cautiously in the areas of school buses, and if parking while waiting on a student,...
Thank you from FOSCI

Thank you from FOSCI

At the end of June, Debbie Grosnick delivered a check to Families of Slain Children Inc. Beverly, who runs this amazing organization, was so grateful for our donation, as it means that they will be able to continue their work, which is extremely important, but sadly...
Essentials Drive for the Mandarin Food Bank

Essentials Drive for the Mandarin Food Bank

Thank you! Once again the Deercreek community have shown their willingness to help others – this time for the Essentials Drive for the Mandarin Food Bank held in early July. The final numbers of the most urgently needed items were 259 bars of soap, 213 rolls of...
Real Estate News

Real Estate News

July is here and it is hot!!! Not only are the temperatures in the 90’s, the real estate market in Deercreek is hot. Covid-19’s impact during the last few months included at least one sale falling through as the buyer walked away. Now, homes are coming on the market,...