No Soliciting by Contractors in the Community
Solicitors are not permitted in Deercreek. This also includes leaving brochures, doorbell ringing or approaching people as they are walking by. Please remind contractors that you have hired that soliciting in Deercreek is not permitted. If the contractor continues to...
Spotlight on Charity – Pine Castle
Pine Castle, located at 4911 Spring Park Road, is a leader in serving adults with intellectual and development differences (I/DD) and providing support to their families across Northeast Florida, committed to assisting anyone with differences. Pine Castle was founded...
200 Years of History – Jacksonville Bicentennial
Date: Tuesday, February 21 Time: 10:00 amLocation: Deercreek Clubhouse RSVP by Monday, Feb 20, 2023 to deercreekhgc@gmail.com or call/text to Jill Cole at 904-252-2893 Did you know that Jacksonville celebrated its Bicentennial in 2022? Once known as Cowford,...
Driving in the Deercreek natural areas
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