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Resident Spotlight – May 2024

Resident Spotlight – May 2024

Meet DeerCreek Residents: Abhishek and Abha (like the group-ABBA) Bhor (Admit it, you’re singing “Dancing Queen” in your head right now). The Bhors were both born and raised in the city of Indore, located in central India. Their fathers have been best friends...
Congaree and Penn Farm Tour

Congaree and Penn Farm Tour

A group visited the Congaree & Penn Farm during April, to see and discover all of the sights that the popular agritourism venue had to offer. The weather co-operated and they had a great day riding through the fields with a guide, meeting & feeding various...
Spotlight on Charity – Tennis is for Everyone

Spotlight on Charity – Tennis is for Everyone

Tennis Is For Everyone, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) non profit charity organization formed to serve special needs adults in our community. We strive to enrich the lives of adults with intellectual and developmental differences through adaptive tennis clinics and events. Our...
Tennis is for Everyone Adaptive Event at Pine Castle

Tennis is for Everyone Adaptive Event at Pine Castle

Tennis Is For Everyone, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) non profit charity organization formed to serve special needs adults in our community. We strive to enrich the lives of adults with intellectual and developmental differences through adaptive tennis clinics and events. Our...
Real Estate Recap

Real Estate Recap

Daylight savings time has been in effect for a couple of weeks now. As days become even longer in April, residents will be out in the evening. Some will engage in projects and chores, while others participate in the many forms of recreation in the community. April is...
From the Access Control Committee

From the Access Control Committee

Several things to remember as the warmer weather begins:   Vendors cannot go door to door soliciting additional work in Deercreek with cards and flyers, etc. even though the vendors are currently working in Deercreek. Failure to comply with the non-solicitation...