Over the last two months, you may have heard some conversations regarding the club, the HOA, and covenants. To clarify what is going on in the early stages, we would like to share the following.
The Deercreek BOD has given a small group headed by Gene Curtin, Kathy Kleppinger, and Carol D’Onofrio approval to review the Deercreek Covenants. Updating the covenants is a considerable undertaking, and the review is an opportunity to refresh the covenants to reflect the community’s needs. Deercreek covenants were written nearly 35 years ago by the developer. Times have changed, and situations could impact the community if not addressed now. Over the next six months, we will have multiple communications and opportunities for more specific information, review, and feedback.
This is an important initiative for our community to evolve with the current times and protect our property and home values. If you are interested in participating in this initiative, please reach out to Heather Cole (communications@deercreekcc.com) or respond to this email. The Communications team will send more detailed information in a separate email.
As always, the Deercreek Board appreciates your support in this effort.