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Access Control June 2022

Jun 1, 2022

Safety is always first in Deercreek. School is out or nearing completion for the school year. Please be watchful for children and others walking, biking or running. There are three major safety concerns in Deercreek: speeding and running stop signs, especially by golf carts, and people running or walking in the roads as a habit, not just to get around others or avoid sprinklers. Walking in that manner when there are sidewalks available is illegal in Jacksonville, not to mention very unsafe.

The barcode validation is ongoing. As of May 10, 343 homes and 27 homes in Edgewater have had all the barcodes associated with those homes validated. Many thanks to those residents. There are 323 homes in Deercreek and 43 homes in Edgewater that need to complete the process, and barcodes are being deactivated in those homes as published. There will be one more Saturday session, June 11, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, at the tennis courts parking lot for those who may find those times more convenient, although the barcodes can be validated anytime at the guardhouse.

Now that the trash pickup schedule is becoming more stabilized, please be sure to use the proper receptacle for the proper trash. The yellow receptacle is for recycling only, and the green is for non-recyclable trash only. Your yard trash can be in any type of receptacle. Also, remember placement of the trash receptacles is to be no earlier than 6:00 PM the day before the pickup and removal of the receptacles no later than 8:00 AM the day after the pickup.
All lawn signs for termite service, lawn treatment, etc., must be removed no later than 24 hours after placement.

If residents are going to be away from home for several days, be aware that Ramco guards will provide house checks of the residences. Just stop by the guardhouse and complete a form.

Last, there have been recent incidents of loose dogs in Deercreek. If you own a dog, please consider ensuring the dog has some identification on it like tags, phone numbers, etc., so that if it gets out the guards can contact the owner. Incidentally, the guardhouse computer system also has the capability of entering pet data, such as breed, color, owner contact information.