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Annual Meeting, Voting Process

Dec 21, 2020

Dear Member of the Deercreek Country Club Owners Association:

Notice is hereby given, in accordance with Florida Statutes and the governing documents of the
Deercreek Country Club Owners Association, that the annual meeting of members will be held:

DATE: Thursday, January 7, 2021
TIME: 6:00 P.M.

Due to COVID-19, large group gatherings are not advisable. As such, this year’s Annual Meeting will be held entirely via ZOOM Virtual Conference. All candidate nominations were solicited in advance this year as opposed to nominations from the floor. 

This is a very important meeting at which three (3) Board Members will be elected.
The three (3) nominees with the highest number of votes will each serve three (3) year terms.

ZOOM Meeting Teleconference Details:
Meeting ID: 833 0823 7733
One tap mobile


For those who received mailed ballots:

Please complete and return your ballots to Floridian Property Management in the pre-addressed envelope provided. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU COMPLETE AND RETURN THE PROXY. Pursuant to the Bylaws, we must have one-third (1/3) of the members represented in person or by Proxy in order to conduct an official election. Due to Covid-19, proxies are necessary to obtain a quorum.

2. Ballot
Please complete your Ballot, voting for only three (3) nominees. Please seal your Ballots in the envelope marked “BALLOT” then enclose that envelope (along with the Proxy) in the pre-addressed envelope and be sure to SIGN your outer envelope in the space provided and return to Floridian Property Management. Mailed Ballots must be received in the official envelope provided no later than Wednesday, January 6th, 2021. You may also choose to deliver your ballot to the guardhouse no later than Thursday, January 7, 2021, by 5:00 P.M. Alternatively, please bring your ballot to the annual meeting at the Deercreek Clubhouse entrance on January 7th for drop-off ONLY due to Covid-19 between 5:30 P.M.-6:00 P.M.


For residents that receive electronic notifications:

1.Ballots and Proxy:
Email a scanned copy of the ballot and proxy to KISHWA@FPM.COMPANY including your full name and lot address in the email body.


2. Ballots and Proxy:
Retrieve a ballot & proxy envelope from the guardhouse staff. Please complete your Ballot, voting for only three (3) nominees. Please seal your Ballots in the envelope marked “BALLOT” then enclose that envelope (along with the Proxy) in the envelope and be sure to SIGN your outer envelope. Return ballot and proxy to the guardhouse or mail to FPM.

Floridian Property Management
414 Old Hard Road, Suite 502
Fleming Island, Florida, 32003
Office: 904-592-4090 Ext.118

Please feel free to contact Kishwa Milliner at KISHWA@FPM.COMPANY or by phone at (904)592-4090 Ext. 118, if you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents or the meeting itself.


Candidate Biographies > link