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Architectural Review Board News

Feb 22, 2024

The ARB would like to thank our Deercreek residents for helping to maintain the aesthetic beauty of our community! ARB is available to provide architectural guidance, reviews and approval of exterior home improvements as noted in the ARB Guide which is posted on the Deercreek HOA website. Please note many exterior improvements are considered under Maintenance and Repairs and may not need an ARB Application or Approval. When in doubt, please contact a member of the ARB for clarification or guidance.

With that in mind, ARB would like to provide some reminders for homeowners who are working with ARB on exterior home improvement projects:

  • Please remember to submit a Final Inspection Request to FPM when a project is complete. This allows ARB to close out the project and will initiate your deposit refund, if applicable.
  • The turn time to approve final inspections and the deposit release will be tied to the monthly ARB meetings held on the first Wednesday of each month. Once approved in the monthly ARB meeting, FPM is notified and should send out deposit refunds within 10 days of the ARB final inspection approval.
  • Please be reminded that only landscaping improvements > 25% of total landscape or removal of landscape beds with new beds > 100 sq feet would require an application and prior approval by ARB. Smaller landscape jobs and re-sodding would not require ARB approval. When in doubt if an ARB application is required, please contact an ARB committee member.
  • Refurbishing of existing swimming pools does not typically require ARB approval.
  • Tree swings that are small and decorative will be considered by the ARB on a case-by-case basis. Aesthetics and safety are the primary concerns.

Finally, please note that ARB is not an enforcement committee. ARB works with homeowners on new exterior improvement projects. Enforcement of rules and citations for violations is the responsibility of the property manager, Floridian Property Management.

Hopefully this information will clarify the role of ARB and answer a few questions we often hear from Deercreek homeowners.

Thank you!

Mike Azzarello
Deercreek ARB Chairperson