August 2022
There are four types of barcodes issued by Deercreek:
• Resident – available to any resident whose driver’s license has a Deercreek address.
• Non-resident club member – available to club members who do not reside in Deercreek.
• Temporary – issued for new vehicles and active for 30 days maximum. They are automatically de-activated after 30 days.
• Family and Caregiver (not widely publicized due to security concerns) – available to others who residents would like to have easier access into Deercreek. They should be limited to family members and caregivers.
Barcodes are NOT to be transferred from one vehicle to another.
The DCCOA has instituted the following resident barcode fees:
• Issuance of a new barcode, including new residents: $30.00
• Issuance of a replacement barcode: $15.00 if the old barcode is returned
Vendor Barcodes; the following vendor barcode fees are charged for access during normal Deercreek vendor hours:
• Six Month Barcodes: First vehicle: $12.00 Each additional vehicle: $12.00
• One Year Barcodes: First vehicle: $24.00 Each additional vehicle: $12.00
Non-resident Family and Caregivers Barcodes
• One-year renewable barcode: $30.00
The barcodes will be used routinely in order to gain entry through the resident lane while in a vehicle. Any resident arriving at the gate on the “visitor side” will be stopped and asked for positive identification (e.g., driver’s license, PIN) WITHOUT EXCEPTION and their information verified in the computer prior to entry. The resident will be logged in the computer.
by Heather Cole