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Deercreek Women’s Alliance

Apr 24, 2021

Thank you to all who renewed their membership, or joined us for the first time, at our annual Porch Night in April. It was a fun social event, with great music and food but what makes these events are you! Your membership is extremely important to enable us to continue our work.

The Deercreek Women’s Alliance raises funds through both your annual dues, and our fundraising events, and these funds are distributed across a number of local charities. The chosen charities for this year are Alpha-Omega Thrift Store; Bag Ladies; Books-A-Go-Go; Families of Slain Children (FOSCI); Gabriel House; Jacksonville Humane Society; Mandarin Food Bank; PACE Center for Girls; Ronald McDonald House; Research is the Answer (RITA); Sulzbacher; and Vision is Priceless.

Some of these charities need us to run drives – some are on-going as listed below and in every newsletter; some of these also have specific needs at specific times, such as the Mandarin Food Bank’s Peanut Butter & Jelly drive during the summer whilst others only have these requests at specific times, such as the Ronald McDonald Easter basket drive and their Halloween costume drive. In addition, some of our charities may ask for volunteers to help with specific projects, such as the Teens for Trac event via FOSCI in 2019.

In all cases, the need for assistance is continually growing, and we are fortunate to be in a position to help those charities who supply this much needed help. The DWA has been going strong for over 22 years, and we thank you all for your support.