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From the Access Control Committee

Apr 1, 2020

April is a great month in Florida as more and more folks walk, jog and ride bikes in the Spring climate, at least here in Deercreek. Hopefully everyone will be able to use sidewalks for walking or jogging, but if that is not the case, please be sure to walk or jog facing the traffic. Biking should always be done going with the traffic, and drivers should always be courteous to bike riders as bike riders should be courteous by riding near the right edge of the road and riding single file. 

Stop sign and speeding violations continue to be a concern in Deercreek. Obviously they are a safety hazard, and by the way, residents are responsible for violations in any vehicle registered to them, regardless of who was driving it. For speeding violations, the RADAR gun and new laser device are certified each year. Residents are also responsible for visitor’s driving violations in Deercreek. While warning citations may be given, residents should be aware that visitors who commit repeated traffic violations can have their driving privileges in Deercreek suspended or revoked. The same rules apply for vendors. 

Again, a safe and great Deercreek experience is the goal for all residents and visitors to our community. Stopping at stop signs, even if no one is coming, driving the speed limit and walking, jogging or biking in a safe manner will provide the hoped for Deercreek experience.