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From the Access Control Committee

Jul 1, 2023

July is a great month for celebrations beginning with July 4th. Traditionally along with July 4 are fireworks. If you choose to purchase and use fireworks, please be aware of the following:

• Fireworks present multiple opportunities for serious injury and property damage.
• Some residents in Deercreek do not react positively to fireworks.
• Fireworks and their loud noise are traumatic to many pets.
• Last of all, but certainly not least, any fireworks which fly or explode or both are illegal in Duval County and Jacksonville.

Therefore, please be courteous to your neighbors and the community and do not use the illegal fireworks in Deercreek.

For July parties, please be sure to get the names of guests into the computer system at least 24 hours in advance of the party.

In July, there may be increased traffic at the gate on weekends when there are swim meets held at our pool. We will anticipate those increases and plan for them, but there may be longer lines at the gate at times.

The guard gate numbers remain unchanged:

• Deercreek Gate/Voice Authorization: 904-363-2147
• Deercreek Gate Voice Recorder: 904-519-1390
• Deercreek Rover 904-566-9163

When calling one of the automated numbers, from another number, once the resident’s number is verified, there is no need for a PIN.