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From the Access Control Committee

May 1, 2023

School schedules will become irregular towards the end of the month, so be watchful for school busses and students present at other than normal school times.

Also, May is a time of social gatherings for school ending and graduations. Please enter guest names in the gate computer system at least 24 hours before any gathering. This will greatly expedite guests arriving on time.

Thee Deercreek Swim team will also begin practices and swim meets in May that will continue into the summer. That can result in much heavier traffic at the gate any afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 even though non-residents will be given passes to assist them through the gate.

Residents are responsible for their lawn service vendors in Deercreek. Part of that responsibility is the placement of safety cones and parking near the curb as the lawn care workers do their jobs. Also, multiple vendor trucks must be parked in a staggered pattern at all times to allow the passage of emergency vehicles.

A safety reminder, no persons are allowed to operate any motorized vehicle (golf cart, scooters, etc.) in Deercreek unless they have a valid driver’s license. Residents will be fined for non-compliance