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From the Access Control Committee

Mar 23, 2021

The weather is now warming. The Easter Holiday with guests is approaching. With the warmer weather, more people are walking, running, and biking on the roads of Deercreek. Safety and courtesy are the mantras for these warm days. Unfortunately, runners and walkers do not always walk or run against the traffic, ignoring the possibility of a serious accident, so drivers must be courteous and watchful of and for them.

If you are having guests for an Easter celebration or any gathering, please let the guardhouse know in advance. Phone calls will not be made to ask for admittance approval.

Another courtesy and safety point is for residents to keep their sidewalks clear of leaves, and tree limbs, and branches. They could be a safety hazard for those who are safety-minded and walk or run on the sidewalks instead of on the roads.

Last, please be vigilant and watchful for any unusual or suspicious activity, a neighborhood watch if you will. Report any incidents to the guards or with injuries or property damage to JSO as well as the guards immediately.