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It’s all about the Sign

Jul 26, 2022

Signs on residential property, other than Association-approved For Sale and yard spray warnings signs, are prohibited in the Deercreek community (Reference C, C & Rs Article VI section 5 for details). Prohibited signs on common property include, but are not limited to, commercial, organizational, political signs, non-Association approved For Sale signs, home business signs, event signs, or the placement of any meeting announcement sign (excluding Association signage).

Violators of this rule are subject to a fine of $100 per day up to a total of $1,000. Deercreek is a family community, and an occasional display of tasteful and temporary (24 hours or less) signs will be permitted for Welcome Home, Happy Birthday, or similar family events.

Realtor Signs
Realtors may place directional signs to open houses on common property on the day of the open house provided the realtor removes the signs within one hour following the open house event. Deercreek Security Staff will remove and discard open house directional signs if not properly removed by the realtor as required herein.

by Carol D’Onofrio