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Jacksonville Humane Society Food Drive

Feb 27, 2023


It’s time again for the DWA’s annual Pet Food Drive to benefit The Jacksonville Humane Society’s Pet Food Pantry. The Pet Food Pantry serves seniors, community members with disabilities, veterans, and families in crisis.

Sometimes the only difference between keeping a pet in their home and out of the shelter is one meal. With your help, we can keep best friends together and save space in the shelter for animals who are lost, abandoned or neglected.

We are collecting donations of both dry and wet dog and cat food of any kind. Dry food bags should not exceed 10 pounds. You can drop off donations in the bin at the guard gate, the club house or at Patti Mast’s house (8011 Weatherby Ct).

The drive will run from Monday, February 27 to March 10. Thank you so much for your continued generosity!