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Jan Malick; 2020 Golden Acorn Winner

Jul 28, 2020

Bolstered by her faith, her family and the stirring needs of her community, Janice Malick has taken to heart the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “For it is in giving that we receive.”

Jan, a Deercreek Country Club resident since 2001, exemplifies a passion for giving as she has taken on numerous responsibilities to make her neighborhood and community a better place to live.
In recognition of her leadership in Deercreek women’s charitable initiatives, Jan will receive the 2020 Golden Acorn Award given annually to a person active in projects that benefit the Deercreek community as well as the greater Jacksonville community. The award is scheduled to be presented Aug. 25 during a luncheon at the Deercreek Clubhouse.
“Jan gives with her whole heart,” said one Deercreek resident in nominating her for the award. “We are blessed to have her as a neighbor and a friend.” “She is a quiet force and leader in all her endeavors,” said another.
“Jan is a sweet, kind person,” added a third. “She loves her family and friends but loves the Lord first.”
Among the activities and places of leadership, Jan has participated in during the past 20 years are two current roles–leading the Deercreek Women’s Alliance involvement at the Sulzbacher Center for Jacksonville’s homeless community; and serving as the DWA liaison for the Gabriel House of Care where Deercreek women provide meals to patients waiting for organ transplants at Mayo Clinic.

Jan became involved in the Sulzbacher Center while her husband, Stephen, served on its Board and as an Executive Committee Member for ten years. He recently retired as the vice president for Business Improvement at Johnson and Johnson Vision Care. Jan has worked with Sulzbacher for the past three years and most recently spearheaded an effort to provide funding and assemble furniture for one of the apartments at the new Women and Children’s Center there. DWA also made a significant monetary donation to the project.

Having served as a Registered Nurse in Pre-op and Recovery at Mayo Clinic before her retirement, Jan’s involvement at Gabriel House is close to her heart. Not only does she organize, prepare and take meals to the center with a group of volunteers, she spends time talking to the transplant patients and their families, listening to their stories and encouraging them in their journey. “They love to tell their stories,” she said. And the team of Deercreek volunteers who have embraced the project with her “love cooking and serving them.”

Across the years Jan has taken on other leadership roles in the Deercreek community. She held the position of DWA secretary for six years. For two years, she served as liaison for PACE Center, an organization that provides young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy. For a year, she was liaison with the Bag Ladies, organizing Deercreek women to assemble bags filled with comfort items and toys given to children sheltered with their mothers at Hubbard House.

She also is involved in Deercreek Home and Garden Club, which enhances the life and grounds in the community. During the past two years, her sister, Ruthie, provided portrayals of women in history—Eleanor Roosevelt and Georgia O’Keefe–for club meetings.

Jan also is active in Deercreek’s Book Club and the Ladies Golf Association.

A woman of faith, Jan hosts a woman’s Bible study in Deercreek and works as a mentor in a “Moms-to-Mom’s” group at Christ Church, where she also keeps the nursery.

As they followed Steve’s career, the Malicks moved to Jacksonville from Arlington, Texas, after having lived in Tampa. The couple grew up, met and were married in Cleveland, Ohio.

Their three grown children live across the country: Allyson in Los Angeles; Melissa, and her husband, Chris Guerra, in San Antonio, Texas; and their son, Stephen, Jr., in New York City.

Two years ago, Melissa and Chris gave the Malicks one of life’s greatest joys, a granddaughter, Lottie. Since the birth of Lottie, who has Down Syndrome, the proud grandparents have traveled back to Texas to celebrate Lottie’s milestones and to participate in San Antonio’s Down Syndrome Buddy Walk.

When asked why she has dedicated her life to helping others, Jan contends that Deercreek women are the most generous group she has ever encountered.

“I feel so blessed by God. It makes you have a passion to help others. DWA is so rewarding. Every lady in the neighborhood is committed to helping others.”