Resident Spotlight – Gracie Gerbert

Jul 31, 2024

Meet Deercreek Resident: Gracie Gerbert (and friends)

Gracie, a native Floridian, was born outside of Gainesville, Fl. She was adopted as a puppy by her human dad, Deercreek resident and Jacksonville native- Steve Gerbert. Gracie’s bloodline originates with the English breed of Golden Retrievers, which is why her coat is blonde, as opposed to the two other breeds of Golden Retrievers: the American, which adorns a more honey/red colored coat and the Canadian – whose coat is the darkest and more red of all the Golden Retrievers.

Although single, Gracie does have a special male dog in her life, Charlie, (from the Dennis and Misty Jeff family). Charlie is a Golden Doodle (a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle). Whenever I walk to Charlie’s house, my human dad texts Charlie’s dad to let him know we’re outside. As soon as their front door opens, Charlie runs outside to greet me with sniffs and kisses. I guess you could say he is quite smitten with me and the feeling is mutual.

Gracie is eight years old and she was homeschooled in Jacksonville, Fl.

What brought you to Deercreek?

My human dad loves to golf and his sister and her husband (Linda and Barry Goldstein) live in Deercreek, as well as their daughter and her family (Lori and Eric Hall & family). Between them, they have a total of 5 fur babies and we both wanted to be closer to our family members. I visit my fur cousins, Bailey and Remy (Golden Doodles) and Ollie (a Schnoodle- Poodle/ Schnauser mix) on a weekly basis. We love gathering together for family dinners, holidays and playdates. My Aunt Linda and Uncle Barry spoil us with special treats. We have so much fun and I just love visiting their house!

I also love the “walkability” of Deercreek and the diverse breeds of friendly, furry friends in our community. I love chatting with my two furry neighbors, Pee Wee and Cooper (Julie and Charlie Miller) through the fence between our houses. They both originate from the Havanese breed, which is the only dog breed native to Cuba. I’m hoping one day they will teach me how to Salsa!

We live on a main road in Deercreek and dogs from all over the neighborhood stop and greet me every day (back-side first, of course). My best furry friend and neighbor is Koda – an Australian cattle dog (Abe and Leandra Dopazo & family). She always extends a cheery Austrailian G’day when seeing me. She is the best friend ever!

Hobbies and Special Interest:

My favorite past time is napping. A girl can just never get enough beauty rest! I also enjoy riding with my human dad in his truck and golf cart. I just love the way the breeze blows through my fur as we cruise around “The Creek.” The only thing that could make it better, would be vibing to some good tunes, like the Elvis Presley classic, “Ain’t Nothin but a Hound Dog!” Life doesn’t get much better than living in Deercreek!

Favorite Deercreek Memory:

My passion in life is hunting for Lizards. I guess you could say, No Lizard is safe in my presence. One of my favorite hunting grounds is the home of Bob and Karen Hrinuk. One day, while searching for lizards in the bushes in their front yard, I noticed that their front door was wide open. It was almost as if they were saying, “Come on in and visit Gracie! We don’t mind!” I didn’t want to be rude, so that’s exactly what I did. I walked right in their house! They not only welcomed me with open arms, but they also made a special treat jar, just for me! And now, every time I visit, Ms. Karen opens her door and invites me inside for a back scratch and treats. And Mr. Bob picks me up and takes me for rides in his golf cart. Who could ask for anything more? We have the best neighbors ever!

Friendly Reminders:

  • Be a good neighbor – please, pick up after your pet.
  • Florida statues/laws state that dogs must be on a leash, tether, or other appropriate physical controlled device when the dog is off the owner’s property. Dog’s at large (unattended and roaming freely off their property), are prohibited unless in a designated area, such as a dog park, but the dog must be supervised by the owner or another responsible person at all times.
  • If you see an unattended dog on property, please post a notification on the Deercreek Residents Facebook page and report it to the guard gate.
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