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Dr. Hattie Washington
9938 Deercreek Club Drive East

Prior to moving to Deercreek in 2021, Dr. Hattie Washington frequently visited her family in Deercreek, and during the pandemic, she came for an extended stay to help with the grandchildren while her physician daughter, Dr. Charrell Thomas, worked long hours.

During an illustrious career in education, earning her Ph.D. and doing post-grad studies at Harvard, Oxford and Glasgow Universities, Hattie wrote several books including these award-winning titles— Driven to Succeed: An Inspirational Memoir of Lessons Learned through Faith, Family and Favor and Aunt Hattie’s Cookbook: Southern Comfort Food Favorites.

Upon deciding to retire, Hattie purchased an exceptional home on Deercreek Club Road that many residents pass by every day and admire for its beautiful landscaping. Hattie, believe it or not, does work in her yard. Hattie says, “I love the circular curves of the shrubs and hedges that complement the driveway, the fountain, and the round shapes of the windows and doorway.” She has added her own dash of color with perennial flowers and shrubs in all the beds. Hattie credits her landscaper, Roberto Cruz, with modifying her ideas to achieve the best color scheme to enhance the greenery and her house!

In the front island, red-flowered peregrina (jatropha) bushes surround the address sign, with Purple Hearts and crotons anchoring the bed. Spider plants, pink and white pentas, and blue morning glories complete the picture. Tall red Cordyline fruiticosas, loropetalums, dumb canes, and more spiders, pentas and morning glories fill the beds on both sides of the home. The porch area contains pots of yellow crotons and bright flowers showcase the beauty of the fountain.

In addition to taking care of her beautiful home, Hattie does zoom interviews, book signings, workshops, discussions and podcasts! And above all, she enjoys attending the dances and plays of her teenage granddaughters, Cameron, now at Texas State University; and Reagan, at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts.