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Year in Review

May 26, 2018

Our May 22 End of Year Luncheon and Installation of Officers may have ended the official year for the Home and Garden Club, as we don’t have meetings in June and July, but the Board and Committees are still working behind the scenes. Our new officers will be pondering the direction and content of our future meetings. A new Programs Committee is excited about putting together interesting topics for meetings and Field Trips. The Fashion Show Committee is working on a new theme and decorations. Our Gatehouse Committee keeps the window boxes and urns filled with flowers all year round. Go to our website to see all the names and jobs of our 2018-2019 Board. Maybe there is a committee you would like to help.

I always love the Year in Review Lists, don’t you? We started our year last August with the ‘Golden Acorn Award Luncheon’ honoring Mike Milkey for his service above and beyond in Deercreek. We had Stonecore come to show us how to create gorgeous outdoor spaces in Sept. Emily Lisska gave us a look back at the history of Jacksonville. We rented a bus to take the group on a Tour and Wine Tasting at the San Sebastian Winery in St. Augustine and then out to lunch in Nov. Phyllis Basford opened her home for our Christmas Open House and we put up new Holiday Lights at the entrance to Deercreek. In January we hosted another fun Game Day to raise money for our projects. We created tiny terrariums in February. March brought our bright and beautiful ‘Sugar and Spice’ Fashion Show with jars of candy everywhere- and some gorgeous fashions too! In April, Sen. Aaron Bean came to discuss some of the controversial work the State Senate is doing. And then – Poof – the year ended with our pretty luncheon to install the new Board and celebrate the old one.

We will start up again in August so plan to come and check us out. Julie Howell is our new Membership Chair and would be happy to tell you all about us.